Memoirs from Asia, the Gramma dejongi

“Oh hi there! I’m a little bit nervous to meet you, and I hope you don’t find my accent too thick”. I’m not good with introductions, but i’m planning to say that to my new owner when I meet him…

Plectranthias face-off: Two incredible species, P. fourmanoiri and P. garrupellus

We LOVE Plectranthias! Now repeat it with conviction, and then again while you read this post. Here at ReefBuilders we’re always on the ball with the genus Plectranthias for new discoveries, new species for the trade, you name it. We’ve covered…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Cirrhilabrus brunneus, specter of darkness

Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight is a recap on a species that we’ve highlighted before, but aims to introduce new pictures of a brand new specimen that recently entered the market again. Cirrhilabrus brunneus is a rare species that is closely…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Cirrhilabrus claire like you’ve never seen, up close and in HD

Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight features what is probably the rarest and least often seen species of Cirrhilabrus currently that has entered the trade. These are some of the clearest pictures of a large stunning alpha male anywhere right now and…

Halichoeres bathyphilus is one of many Curacao rarities from Dynasty Marine

Halichoeres bathyphilus may not look like much as a juvenile, but this deepwater Atlantic species is one of the most beautiful and elusive of its genus. In its initial phase, it is very difficult to distinguish from the many times…

Lipogramma robinsi brought up from the depths for just the second time

Lipogramma robinsi is so rare it wasn’t until early last year that we saw our first pictures of a living specimen. Thanks to the work of the deep diving Curasub in Curacao, we’ve been fortunate to have a plethora of…