XL Biopellets are jumbo ‘bio-bones’ that don’t need to be fluidized

XL BioPellets are getting supersized into jumbo Bio-Bones that are so big and heavy that they don’t need to be fluidized, and therefore fit right into any kind of canister filter or compartment. Being much much larger than the previous…

Krzysztof Tryc’s reef tank system with BioPellets

[youtube width=”640″ height=”385″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V70KV_dZ9UE[/youtube] Krzysztof Tryc’s reef tank system was once a Dream Tank of the Quarter for the ZEOvit system but these days, it’s pimping some nice results with NP reducing Biopellets. About a year and a half since Krzysztof…

BioPellets coming to North America from Aquarium Specialty

More good news on the NP-reducing BioPellets we brought you earlier. Reef Builders’ sponsor Aquarium Specialty is bringing the BioPellets to North America in mid-November and they are taking pre-orders today. Aquarium Specialty expects the shipment to arrive the second…