Rare Hybrid Multibar X Venusta Angelfish Collected by RVS Fishworld

Of all the hybrid angelfish sought out by exotic fish fanatics, the cross between the multibar and venusta angelfish is one of the rarest. Where Tigerpyge angelfish have become semi-‘common’ with a few dozens specimens being collected every year, the…

Leopard Multibar Angelfish is now in the best of hands

From where we’re standing, the Leopard Multibar Angelfish that was collected in Vanuatu about a month ago is just about one of the most sensational aberrant marine angelfish we’ve ever seen. This one of a kind fish could have gone…

Updates on the divine new Paracentropyge multifasciata x P. venustus hybrid

Few days ago, we shared with you the world’s newest Paracentropyge hybrid to hit the reefing scene. This natural hybrid between the two Indo-pacific Paracentropyge angels (P. venustus and P. multifasciata) is possibly the most stunning creations mother nature has…