PO4x4 phosphate testimonial from John & Cam’s Bali Reef, a 2500 gallon UK reef aquarium

PO4X4 is one of the newer phosphate removers on the aquarium market which has the added bonus of being able to be regenerated and reused. Sometimes it can take a while for home reefers to notice the relative performance of…

Hands on with PO4x4, not your typical phosphate removing media

PO4X4 is a novel phosphate removing resin which at first glance may seem like granular ferric oxide (GFO), but the similarities end with the color of the media. The shape and size of PO4X4 is like tiny little beads about…

PO4x4 Phosphate Remover pulls 4x more phosphate than GFO

PO4x4 Phosphate Remover is a new product claiming to remove up to four times as much phosphate as your traditional Granular Ferric Oxide (GFO). PO4x4 Phosphate Remover was developed by Reef Interests the same company that brought the original NP BioPellets…