Mystery Corals of the Caribbean: Porites

Now, this is a question I must ask my most serious coral loving colleagues. How to tell the difference between all these Porites corals? *Looking to solve the mystery scroll to the bottom for Mystery corals, first is a description…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Porites divaricata

Porites divaricata Porites divaricata is the smallest species of Porites in the Caribbean. Colonies grow into small branched clusters and can be found in a range of habitats and colors. When we first spotted this species we were surprised to…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Porites colonensis

Porites colonensis Porites is one of the most abundant coral in the Caribbean with six described species. Porites colonensis, however, is one of the more elusive of the bunch and you will need a keen eye to identify this unusual species.…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Porites furcata

Porites furcata Porites furcata wasn’t a coral we paid much attention to until we came diving in Honduras. On it’s own a few lone branches of P. furcata (Branching Finger Coral) blends right into the reef. But once you see rolling…