Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Balls Now Available in US

The Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Balls that were on display at MACNA and are now available in the US market. Unlike other solid carbon dosing products like bio pellets, the Fauna Marin Bacto Reef Balls are bacteria-based probiotic in a…

Cobalt Aquatics brings probiotic fish food to the mainstream

Probiotic fish food is something that we and our peers have dreamed about since the late nineties. Cobalt Aquatics has dabbled in probiotic fish food before but now they are going all in with probiotics in an expansive line of…

Marine Depot giving away Two Little Fishies NPX goodies, opens new carbon dosing Q&A forum

Marine Depot gets plenty of questions from customers on the whole gamut of probiotic and carbon dosing products from biopellets, Zeovit, Prodibio, etc., so they decided to open up a new section in their forum plus give away some Two…