Synchiropus occidentalis dragonet from West Australia seen on video for the first time

Synchiropus occidentalis is a very rare species of dragonet from West Australia which is so seldom seen that very, very few pictures of this fish exist, let alone any video evidence. Like the green and spotted mandarin dragonets, Synchiropus occidentalis is endowed…

ORA releasing Captive Bred Psychedelic Mandarins, including pairs!

ORA is at it again.  The rumors were true!  About a month after the release of ORA’s first captive bred Spotted Mandarins (Synchiropus picturatus) comes the announcement that the Blue Psychedelic Mandarin Dragonettes (Synchiropus splendidus) are being released (press release…

OMG! Fish voyeur heaven: Mandarinfish caught in the act

Mating rituals in the marine world are always intriguing and can be elusive to catch on camera especially when it comes to the reef denizens. This great video chronicles the Striped Mandarinfish (Synchiropus splendidus) spawning on a reef in a…