Neptune grouper and conspicuous angelfish star in SPLASH event in Greenwich CT

Cephalopholis igarashiensis, better known as the Neptune Grouper, is a stunning fish from extremely deep water and we’ve just been floored by this live specimen since it showed up at House of Fins way back in June. Even in that…

Neptune Grouper, Cephalopholis igarashiensis, House of Fins, $6K

If you didn’t know any better, a full grown Neptune Grouper could come across as more of an Anthias than a grouper. The juvenile adult may be muted in coloration but mature adults sport a hot pink body which is…

Jumbo Gem Tang splayed out in pix

You know, we’ve seen more than a handful of small gem tangs but the cost/desire ratio just hasn’t made us want one. However, now that we’ve seen these pics from a Just Rare Fish of what a full blown adult…

Gratuitous midweek rare fish pr0n: Plectranthias pelicieri

We spotted this demi-god of a fish at the infamous Greenwich Aquaria. Although this species has been documented from only Mauritius and Southern Japanese waters, this specimen was imported from the Kingdom of Tonga. The video was taken several months…

One of a kind Fisher x Potters pigmy angelfish hybrid

Hawaiian fish collector William Crook gets our kudos for collecting this beautiful pigmy angelfish hybrid of two Hawaiian endemics. The fish in the image above is very likely a naturally occuring and very rare cross of Centropyge fisheri and Centropyge…