The peppermint angelfish, Paracentyropyge boylei, is by far the apex of holy grail reef fish in the aquarium hobby. To this day only one specimen is known to be alive in captivity, under the care of a Japanese aquarist. Another live…
Researchers try to understand how fields of Leptoseris can grow at 300 feet deep
We absolutely love all corals in the family Agariciidae which includes Leptoseris, Gardinoseris, Pavona, Agaricia and Psammocora. These corals are hardy, colorful, undemanding in terms of light and flow and they have really neat color and pattern which is unique…
Richard Pyle and researchers dive deep to study coral growth over 250 feet down
It’s not just reefers who are into mesophotic reefs. Researchers in Hawaii are currently underway with an experiment to measure how deepwater corals such as Leptoseris get the bulk of their energy; either from catching food or from photosynthesis. Rich…