With Labor Day fast approaching, vacations winding down and the kids going back to school, it’s a sure sign that the end of summer is upon us. And with Fall and the colder weather, many of us start spending more time with…
The Hottest Corals of 2006
Not to make you feel old, but ten years ago was when Nintendo brought out the Wii, and Pluto was still a planet. Yeah I can’t believe they did that to Mickey Mouse’s dog either. The first one billionth song was…
The Hottest Corals of 1996
1996 was an interesting year for a number of reasons as it was the year that Dolly the sheep was cloned, DVDs were launched and my Steelers lost to the dreaded Cowboys. There were no digital cameras, nor smartphones, and…
How to keep the aquarium hobby fresh and exciting
From time to time one of my friends will comment about how they find it amazing that I still seem to have the same level of excitement about my tanks and the hobby as I did when they first met…
Nano Bubbles in the Reef Aquarium
As Don Ho used to sing:” Tiny bubbles, in the wine, make me happy, make me feel fine”. However, this refrain does not seem to be the mood on the reef aquarium side of the hobby, as judging from the heated discussions and…
What is new and improved in the aquarium hobby?
For as long as I have been watching television or reading magazines and newspapers, the phrase “New and Improved” has been employed for just about every product on the market at one time or another. Whether it touted how it…
Bending the rules of reefkeeping
Bending the rules has been the motto of many of us in the hobby for a long time. I, like many of my fellow hobbyists, think that the rules of the hobby do not apply to us and as a result…
Why is the aquarium hobby so addicting?
We have all heard and know about the addictions that are frequently talked about such as the addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling, eating, and sex. But in reality virtually anything can be addicting as is the case with seemingly lesser…
My simply stupid mistakes as a reefkeeper
An empty aquarium can either be the source of promise, excitement and anticipation, or it can be a reminder of failure, missed opportunity and wasted time and money. The difference is due to where it is in the time frame…
How to reach your goals as a Reef Aquarist
This past week, one of my favorite high school teachers passed away. Let me be more specific, he was not one of my favorite teachers while I was actually in high school, as he rode me like a rented mule,…