Super clear videos of Genicanthus semicinctus filmed in the wild

Genicanthus semicinctus is certainly no stranger to the most enthusiastic of Angelfish fans. Endemic to the Kermadec Islands and Lord Howe region, the half banded  is obviously out of reach to anyone who might even dare dream of owning one.…

Genicanthus semifasciatus angelfish makes a surprise appearance in large numbers

Genicanthus semifasciatus is perhaps the rarest of the obtainable six species of swallowtail angelfishes that make up part of the Genicanthus genus. The other four members are extremely rare and conventionally unobtainable to the average aquarist, perhaps with the exception…

Stunning videos of a juvenile and an adult male spotted angelfish, Genicanthus takeuchii

While most angelfish reserve their reverence for the Hawaiian masked angelfish, Genicanthus personatus, when it comes to swallowtail angelfish we hold the spotted angelfish, Genicanthus takeuchii, closest to our reefing hearts. You can imagine our excitement when we discovered not…

Genicanthus personatus spawning & rearing video by Karen Britain and Bruce Carlson

Genicanthus personatus, the masked swallowtail angelfish is a holy grail angelfish species that is endemic to the Hawaiian Island chain. Paradoxically, this is one of the few angelfish species which has been raised in captivity and it is the only…

Genicanthus takeuchii featured in this first ever video of the swallowtail angelfish gem from Ogasawara

Genicanthus takeuchii or Takeuchii’s swallowtail angelfish is one of the most highly sought after angelfish in the world. Hailing only from Japan’s Ogasawara Islands, Genicanthus takeuchii has an even more limited track record than the peppermint angelfish, Paracentropyge boylei, second…