Hybrid Pro Salt is an evaporative, synthetic, amino acid, probiotic blend

Polish reef care brand Aquaforest has expanded its salt portfolio to include two new recipes. Sea Salt, Reef Salt, and Probiotic Salt are now joined by Reef Salt +, a synthetic salt with elevated parameters, and the all-singing, all-dancing Hybrid…

Platinum Reef Products launch two new salts

New marine distribution company Platinum Reef Products has begun manufacturing and supplying its own reef salt recipes. The UK distributor of Cade and Illumagic has engineered the two salts to suit either SPS dominant or Mixed Reef aquariums with their…

Free ebook tells the history of Instant Ocean & synthetic sea salt

As scholars of aquarium history, we were thrilled to discover that a free ebook is available highlighting the roots of marine aquariums, and the development of synthetic sea salts in particular. The Story of Aquarium Systems produced by the European…