High Definition Time Lapse Can Actually Demonstrate Coral Behavior

Behavior is one aspect of biology which is hard to document in our slow moving corals. Over the decades we aquarists have learned a lot about what our corals do and how they behave over long periods of time, but…

You can help crack the ‘Dendronephthya code’

The aquarium you are looking at at home would not have been possible without the effort many other hobbyists and scientists put in lots of experimenting. Just 50 years ago, keeping marine fish alive for more than a few months,…

High technology being used to tease out the details of coral biology

If you’ve ever wondered how a coral works, how it really works in terms that are analogous to a machine, it all boils down to respiration and photosynthesis. Both R & P can be evaluated by measuring oxygen levels, but…

Mesophotic Reef- low light reefs can teach us new things about contemporary reefing

Tim Wijgerde of Coralscience.org is building a mesophotic reef system, basically a low light reef. Tim dropped in to share with us why he decided to do a low light reef tank and what low light reef animals can teach…