Tanne Hoff
25 Articles0 Comments

Malaysia’s Largest Inland Coral Farm Uses Radio Frequency ID Tags

Earlier this year I was invited to speak at The Garden and Aquatic Show in Singapore. This show also featured quite a few highlights of interest for reefkeeping enthusiasts. One of those was a marine aquascaping contest. All participants started…

Amtra air pump comes with built-in battery backup

As we all know, power failures are one of the biggest enemies of our home tanks. Of course, many options are available. These include connecting one or two pumps to a UPS from the computer store, a dedicated generator, and…

De Jong Marinelife’s New Coral Farm

Recently, Arie de Jong (founder and director of De Jong Marinelife) took me for a short tour through one of their newest facilities: their new large coral farm. Insiders might know they already have a small coral farm in their…

Philips CoralCare Gen2 2020 Review

For many years the even blanket of light coverage produced by a large bank of T5 fluorescent has been the status quo for growing sps corals. While one great led product after another seems to enter the market, most of…

Philips Coralcare Review: 5 months And Still Going Strong

When in the market for a new led light, reading real life user reviews are often at least as interesting as reading about the technical specifications. Because Philips claimed it’s CoralCare LED light will change the way we look at aquarium…

Getting to Know the Philips CoralCare LED Light

Lighting serves multiple functions over our reef tank. We need to supply the photosynthetic organisms we keep with the right amount of energy and of course, we want our tanks to look as impressive as possible. There is a plethora of…

Centropyge colini, the mysterious Colin’s angelfish

Colin’s angelfish, Centropyge colini, is a unique pygmy angelfish that is among the least well known members of the genus. As I was ‘in the market’ for dwarf angelfish, I had the luxury position to consider all options for my…

Who dares to keep a spotted drum in a reef tank?

Spotted drums are such enchanting fish and we all know impulse buyings are just wrong. Wrong. Very wrong. But, I have to confess: I am also guilty. This article is about my experiences with a weird fish that I could not resist. Do…

20 bucks very well spent on fish health

We all know we should quarantine our fish but unfortunately, most of us do not have a quarantine tank for a variety of reasons. Just a few excuses that are at least familiar to most of us include the fact that…

Green Gramma sp. found deep below the Cuban water surface

As mentioned in my previous post, we decided to take the plunge to see ‘something special’ in the deep waters of La Boca, near Trinidad, Cuba. In relatively shallow waters, say from 10 meters and deeper, the first Gramma loreto…