Tanne Hoff
25 Articles0 Comments

Diving in Cuba and enjoying a lionfish barbecue with collectors of Gramma dejongi

I like travelling and diving nearly as much as reefing. These hobbies combine often bring me to great places. Although I currently do not keep any Grammas in my reef, I do love them a lot. When I saw Gramma dejongi for…

You can help crack the ‘Dendronephthya code’

The aquarium you are looking at at home would not have been possible without the effort many other hobbyists and scientists put in lots of experimenting. Just 50 years ago, keeping marine fish alive for more than a few months,…

Hands on with Illumagic Blaze LED

The Illumagic Blaze is a sturdy LED light fixture which seems to be well-built and is available in different sizes, as master- and slave units. With the controller built in the master unit, several slave units can be controlled. Next…

Glenn Fong reefs his own way; the ‘Dutch Synthetic Reef Method’

Recently, I visited Glenn Fong (GlennF on the interwebs) who keeps a number of reef- and marine tanks in his home. Glenn is a full-blooded hobbyist, I counted nearly ten aquaria in his living room, including a system in which…

Spawning orange spot filefish caught on video!

Mike de Jonge is a cool Dutch reefer having a particular preference in fish: filefish. In his 80-Gallon reef, he does not only keep a pair of Acreichthys radiatus that lays eggs, but he also manages to keep a pair…

Online coral shopping: is What-You-See really What-You-Get?

Many die-hard hobbyists know exactly where and when the new cool stuff comes in. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to be present physically when a new shipment is unpacked. In these cases, the internet is a great thing: lots…

Ehsan Dashti interviewed about the Triton method and the Triton lab (video)

Especially in Germany and the UK, the so-called “Triton Method” is gaining quite some popularity. In addition to developing their own Lani LED lights, Triton is a German company offering a holistic approach to reef keeping: based on their experience,…

Crazy Vietnamese Rhodactis come in a rainbow of color

When Dreamcorals announced the availability of ‘very special Rhodactis’ on it’s sponsored part of the Dutch Marine Forums, we were surprised to see a picture of mushroom anemones which we indeed had never seen before. And not only that, they…

Orphek Helix offers a twist on the widespread DC Cone skimmer

Orphek is already known for its LED lights but now are entering the protein skimmer market with a protein skimmer. Over the past few years, the cone design and controllable DC pumps have become the go-to design for mode and…

Orphek Atlantik gets hands on treatment and review [VIDEO]

Our initial thoughts of the the Orphek Nilus multicolor LED fixture were favorable as both the spectrum and the spread of light were impressive. As if the company took Mark vanderWal’s post complaining of the lack of spread of modern led…