Video: Tour of Oceanic Gardens

Recently Remy got to visit Gabe Pommier and his two-year-old coral business Oceanic Gardens in Illinois. Gabe has been a hobbyist for 10 years and at just 24 years old his premises are looking really clean, well organized, and professional,…

Reef Builders Studio Update Video

It’s been eight months now since Jake left us and in that time, most of the questions have been about the Studio. Is it still running, has it still got corals, and why don’t we see videos from there anymore?…

Destination De Jong

There are a handful of fish and coral powerhouses spread around the world in isolation, each with their special niche and prowess responsible for procuring some of the hobby’s most sought after. Most recently on our little tour of Europe,…

Tour de BlueHarbor – Part 2. Fixing a deepwater malady

This is the second and final installment to the two part BlueHarbor tour visit. In this article, we visit one of Koji’s customers with perhaps the biggest and most impressive collection of deepwater fish ever. Rare fish aficionados, you do…