Drs. Foster Smith how to video with fresh tap water

Drs. Foster smith has decided to jump on the bandwagon with videos, and we got our hands on their “Acclimation procedure for Aquatic life” video. Besides having a R-O-B-O-T narrator, we caught a nice glisten of a big no-no. We…

Gratuitous midweek rare fish pr0n: Plectranthias pelicieri

We spotted this demi-god of a fish at the infamous Greenwich Aquaria. Although this species has been documented from only Mauritius and Southern Japanese waters, this specimen was imported from the Kingdom of Tonga. The video was taken several months…

The exceedingly rare scythe butterflyfish, Prognathodes falcifer

The scythe butterflyfish, Prognathodes falcifer is a rare coolwater fish which comes from the East Pacific Ocean in southern california, USA to Baja California, Mexico. Apparently, this species occur in shallower waters in the U.S. where it is not legal…

Video of snail spawning inside reef aquarium

Marine depot staff caught a snail spawning event video. If you never seen this click the play button above. It is worth watching.