Centropyge resplendens showed off in new LA Fishguys video

We are delighted to see that Fishguy extraordinaire Jim Stime of LA Fishguys has fulfilled our request for a full featured video featuring his captive raised Resplendent Pygmy Angelfish, Centropyge resplendens. The resplendent angelfish can only be found living in…

Lionfish Hunters assure us that lionfish tastes just like chicken

The Lionfish invasion of the Carribean may just now be reaching St. Croix but the voracious predator is already firmly established in the Bahamas. To deal with the growing menace in the Bahamian islands, a new organization called the Lionfish…

Blanket Octopus Video

  This is an amazing animal and an amazing piece of footage. The good folks at www.TONMO.com (your source for all things cehpy) have ID’d the animal as one of the blanket octopuses, Tremoctopus violaceus. Blanket octopus are rarely seen…

Red Dragon II pump with controller seen on video

The Red Dragon pump from Royal Exclusiv has been a run away success in the reef aquarium hobby, partly due to the tremendous air flow rates you can run with the pumps. However, lets not forget about the sheer raw…

Mag-Flip algae cleaning magnet is a winner

The Mag-Flip algae magnet is one of those products that makes you wonder “How did someone think to do that?”  When we first saw the marketing for this product we weren’t convinced that anyone would want or need to have…

Weekend Video Roundup

After stumbling on more than a handful of interesting reef videos this weekend, we decided to put together a whole post on all of them. The five videos we are featuring are a hidge podge of hobbyist, naturalist and science…

Terminal phase supermale tiger wrasse, Thallassoma hardwicki

The tiger wrasse, Thallassoma hardwicki, may not be all that uncommon but it is a rare sight to see a fully grown supermale specimen. Hardiwcki wrasses are often seen at the LFS as small 3-4″ specimens which barely display the…

“Fragilicious” Justin Credabel featuring Ona

What can we say? The reef aquarium hobby could use a little bit of culture.

LEDs in Action: Aquarium LED light demo video and coral growth sequence

So we know that LED’s can put out the intensity reefers are looking for, we’ve seen the spectral graphs and even the convincing side by side comparison. Nevertheless,  there is something exciting and extremely gratifying about having solid evidence of…

Flatworm Monster is the Roadrunner of creepy crawlies

If you or someone you know is creeped out by lil old bristleworms, get ready to take that dread up a notch. For the rest of you that are fascinated by the endless array of unusual creatures that spill forth…