Rich Ross
28 Articles0 Comments

Opinion: I heart LiveAquaria’s Diver’s Den

This post would be in total fanboy territory were it not for the fact that the Diver’s Den has become a fixture of American reef aquarium culture. Like Reefer Madness before it, for many years LiveAquaria’s Diver’s Den has been…

Release the kraken?

For the last week or so, the popular science press has been gushing over the announcement that besides a giant Triassic kraken killing and eating giant ichthyosaurs, it not only arranged their bones after but even arranged their bones in…

Tanked – can we have just a little more information?

This is a video of a big aquarium (not connected with ATM or Tanked) – doesn’t a little information about how it’s run and how the animals are cared for make it more exciting? Like many of us, I have…

Tunze Masterstream – seen almost in the wild

Several months ago we [the Steinhart Aquarium] received a Tunze Master Stream to try out and to add water flow to one of our 4000 gallon exhibits. When it arrived we excitedly pulled it out of the box only to…

Broad Club Cuttlefish, Sepia latimanus, maturing quickly at the Steinhart Aquarium

[vimeo width=”680″ height=”420″][/vimeo] The broad club cuttlefish living at the Steinhart Aquarium in the California Academy of Sciences are going on six months old and are really starting to show the behaviors of adults. Sometimes known as the Giant Cuttlefish,…

What do Bill Maher and Dr. Terry Gosliner have in common?

[youtube width=”640″ height=”505″][/youtube] Opinions on reefs and climate change is what they have in common. Political comedian and talk show host Bill Maher talked about coral reefs on his show this week “Real Time with Bill Maher.” This short clip…

MACNA 2010 Rocked!

Reefbuilderss has asked contributors to recount their MACNA 2010 experience – its my turn, so here goes! My MACNA 2010 really started when I arrived at the hotel at 11:55 pm on Thursday night. I expected to go to the…

Corals are cool, mistakes happen, planning for the worst is awesome

In an effort to make Jake’s head explode, I like to write about all the mistakes I make with my home reef system. Even though they may seem embarrassing, everyone makes bone head mistakes, and I think we all learn…

Captive raised Mandarins – lets collectively put our money where our mouths are

This week ORA has started shipping the long awaited captive bred spotted mandarin fish, Synchiropus picturatus. The two pictured above (looks like a male and female!) are destined for a new picture frame tank to show them off, but are…

Flamboyant Cuttlefish, Metasepia pfefferi, mating on Video

[youtube width=”640″ height=”385″][/youtube] Metasepia pfefferi is an amazing species of flamboyant cuttlefish and I have recently had the opportunity to obtain multiple specimens of this species for the first time in 8 years. These flamboyant cuttlefish wasted little time getting on…