Wild Aberrant Scopas Tang Discovered in Kenya

Aberrant Zebrasoma tangs come in many different varieties; there’s ‘koi’ scopas tangs, calico scopas, yellow scopas, piebald and white yellow tangs, but today’s spotlight falls on a very unusual piebald scopas tang. This curious specimen photographed by Dawn Goebbels in…

Aberration reversion of Ctenochaetus documented by Cairns Marine

We’re not unfamiliar to the sight of “xanthic-koi” type aberrants that plague various fishes. Vitiligo and other forms of patchy off-coloured specimens appear from time to time, and seem to be particularly prevalent in surgeonfish of the genus Ctenochaetus as…

Bicolor flame angelfish might have a touch of the vitiligo

A nice large male solid red flame angelfish with flowing blue-edged fins is quite a sight to behold, we’d say it’s possibly one of the most beautiful reef fish, or at least pygmy angelfish. For some of you nothing will…

The vitiligo angelfish, and Centropyge colouration

The dwarf angelfishes of the Genera Centropyge and Paracentropyge are amongst our favorite reef fishes, in part for their fabulous array of colour morphs and hybrids. We’ve always been fascinated by the variety of these aberrant individuals, and seem to…