If you haven’t heard about Otohime Fish Feeds, like the MAME nano skimmer Otohime is big in Japan. Unlike many other fish foods which are designed for freshwater fish and have added ingredients for marine fish, Otohime is a next generation feed from Byokyowa designed from the ground up to feed marine fish. Another aspect which makes the feed unique is that in addition to using the highest quality ingredients, the food is specially processed at low temperatures to preserve a maximum of nutrition. And of course, Otohime does not contain any preservatives such as ethoxyquin which is prevalent in mainstream pet and fish foods. Otohime is available in a range of sizes which adjust formulation with size to meet the needs of larviculture, young growing fish all the way through adolescent and adult fish. The sizes range from 250 microns (0.25 mm) for Otohime A to over 1mm for Otohime EP-1 and EP-2. Otohime is made in Japan by Biokyowa and it is imported and available exclusively from Reed Mariculture, makers of Reef Nutrition. Currently the food is not available in a retail ready packaging but if you want the goods, you’ll have to order by the Kilo or you can also order the Otohime Starter Kit from Reed Mariculture: for only $50 you’ll get the ultimate reef fish food sampler of 3oz pouches of Otohime A, B1, B2, C1, C2, EP-1 and EP-2. For more information visit the Otohime-us product website and follow the break for more pics.
Comparison of pellet size left to right, Otohime C2, B1 and EP-1
Comparison of pellet size left to right, Otohime EP-2, C2 and B1