Xmas Tree Worm Rocks of Porites corals are so awesome, it’s a wonder that they ever fell out of the spotlight from the reefing scene where once you had to have at least one cluster in your tank to have a reef aquarium. Whether it’s because they hearken back to the mid 90s of reefing when we dove in, or just because they are simply interesting, Xmas Tree Worm Rock Porites has always held a special place in our heart.
There’s a saying that in life, and especially in the reef world, nothing is inherently new, that everything old gets recycled again into new fads. If this could happen with Xmas tree worm rock Porites we would be absolutely thrilled. The lead image was recently shared by VietNam Coral showing what could very well be the salvo that puts the ‘Worm Rocks’ back on reefers’ agenda.
On a recent trip to Indonesia we noticed a lot more of the Porites worm rocks in exporters tanks than their absence in retail stores would have you to believe. With as much as we know about keeping corals alive and keeping thriving reef tanks, not to mention the bewildering array of prepared foods available it would be a cakewalk for just about any aquarists to keep some Porites worm rocks alive and thriving.
The only part about Porites worm rocks that isn’t so cool is that you can propagate the coral but we don’t yet know how to spawn and settle their beautiful featherduster adornments. But we’ll never get there if we don’t start keeping the classic coral + invertebrate combo in our tanks again, so here’s to hoping these mini ecosystems make a resurgence in our hobby.