The problems and bugs that affect the current Reef Keeper Elite system are no secret to anyone. Released with much fanfare, the system was said to be able to control just about anything on your saltwater aquarium. To the Reef Keepers defense it probably could be when all the bugs are worked out. Until that happens, however, some users will pick up on the Profilux beginner pack that is going for a low $599. The system, which is in response for users wanting to pick up a ProFilux system for the cheap, offers limited functionality. Some of the options you will want to use aren’t on board, but rather need to be purchased as an optional upgrade piece. So do you wait for the bugs to be worked out on the Reef Keeper Elite or pull the trigger on a Profilux system.? And don’t count out the Lighthouse PRO XLS that just got released. Decisions, Decisions.
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