Dear readers, we have the pleasure to present to you a coral which has been in captivity longer than most of us have been in the marine aquarium hobby. This is the largest aquarium hammer coral in the world as far as we know and it would be no less than twice it’s current size but the owner keeps it trimmed to a “manageable” size of 4 feet long. This Euphyllia ancora grows in its own 4′ x 3′ x3′ (120cm x 90cm x 90cm) tank at Neptune’s Tropical Fish in Denver Colorado.
The coral is over 17 years old and this video was taken about 2 years after it was cut in half. The coral has produced numerous full colonies over the years. For size reference the tang in the video is a fully grown Red Sea sailfin tang Zebrasoma desjardini. Furthermore, the coral is supported by it’s own skeleton, there is no live rock beneath it.