These all in one aquariums are becoming very popular among reef keepers. They are of course easier to get your reef up and running versus having to purchase all of your aquarium equipment and supplies seperately. Thankfully companies have picked up on this new trend just like the finally caught on to the nano craze which is still going strong. In line with that their new Red Sea max 130D which is the deluxe upgrade to the orginal Red Sea Max 130. What are the upgrades to make it a deluxe version? Simple but needed features like an adjustable overflow box that is a huge upgrade over the old sliding door which is on the orginal. Another upgrade is a accessory kit with water inlet and outlet connectors for external devices such as chillers. Those are a few of the upgrades and you can get the full list in detail here. You can pick this new unit up at your favorite local or online retailer starting at $900. Now, if we could get more details about their Max 250D model that is in the works then we’d be happy campers reefers.
Red Sea Max 130D gets priced, now shipping

Ryan Gripp
Ryan Gripp founded Reef Builders in 2006. He writes about technology, industry and other associated news relating to saltwater fish tanks. He went to Depaul University and has been keeping reef tanks for over 15 years.
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