Warner Marine has released a new pinwheel designed for the K-2 cone skimmer that offers some nice improvements. No doubt you’ve noticed the smaller diameter and longer pins above when compared to the older pinwheel that it is replacing. The “directional issue” that has been reported among K2 cone owners is said to be almost eliminated with this new pinwheel. Warner Marine says that it appears to start in the correct direction 80-90% of the time while the K-2 Red pinwheel pulls up to 1200 lph of air. We definitely like seeing the increase of higher air pull rates throughout the industry and Warner Marine is adding another winner to their cachet of products. If you already own a K2, you can get this upgrade from Warner Marine free of charge.
K2 Pinwheel from Warner marine pulls a lot of air

Ryan Gripp
Ryan Gripp founded Reef Builders in 2006. He writes about technology, industry and other associated news relating to saltwater fish tanks. He went to Depaul University and has been keeping reef tanks for over 15 years.
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