If you’re one of the growing number of iPhone users and looking for a robust, tank logging application for your device check out AquaStatix. The app (available for $1.99 USD from the iTunes App Store) will let you set up an unlimited number of tank journals allowing you to name and designate each one as freshwater, saltwater or reef and track 13 different water parameters. Besides the logging capabilities, the app lets you view your results on a simple graph showing your tank’s trends for the previous eight weeks. For our international friends the app also lets you chose between gallons and liters for volume and centigrade or Fahrenheit temperatures. One feature the app is lacking is the ability to export or view the information from outside the iPhone leaving the information to reside solely on your device. While this is a app geared towards both sides of hobby, some reefers have indicated the app does not let you specify certain readings like salinity beyond the tenths decimal place. So your salinity reading of 1.023 would either have to be logged as 1.0 or 1.1. Hopefully this can be addressed in more current versions before it’s a prime-time candidate for the hardcore reefer. The iPhone aquarium app community is beginning to grow and we like what we are seeing. For Neptune Apex and Digital Aquatics owners developers have created the AquaNotes and iReef apps allowing you remote control and monitoring. Seachem also recently released their free app Dose, a simple dosing calculator. While we love the creativity and beautiful apps for the iPhone, we are hoping developers also branch out into other smartphone markets with app stores from Windows Mobile, Android, Palm and Blackberry available now. More screenshots and full list of parameters covered after the break.
- Temperature
- Nitrites
- Nitrates
- Ammonia
- pH
- Carbonate Hardness
- General Hardness
- Calcium
- Copper
- Salinity
- Phosphate
- Magnesium
- Iodine
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