Digital Aquatics hot software called myReef is so hot that quite a few of customers have been waiting for it for a very long time. Originally the myReef software was slated to be out before the end of 2009. Not so any longer. Digital Aquatics now says because of “system infrastructure” that the myReef won’t be supported until April of next year. For those that are counting, that’s in the 2nd Quarter. We originally predicted a delay up into the 1st quarter but didn’t expect a further delay pushing it into 2Q. Although being disappointed is a feeling we are starting to learn to deal with, it is a very good sign that Digital Aquatics is delaying the launch to make sure everything is “just right”. Here is hoping that they surprise us and release myReef early. We won’t hold our breath.
via [Digital Aquatics]
The myReef application from Digital Aquatics is still in development. This project has experienced delays as we continue working to put the needed system infrastructure in place to support the application. Because the myReef application is completely dependent on the ReefKeeper’s communication, this is clearly a priority for us. While we were optimistic that we would be able to hit our target release, it is now clear that this will not happen.
Based on a number of changes here at Digital Aquatics, we anticipate completion of myReef around the first part of April. This is an attempt to provide a reasonable target given our work load and resources. As stated before, there is always some give and take, things come up that push schedules around and are unavoidable. We are committed to being flexible to the needs of our business to insure we’re able to continue to offer low cost control solutions (in this case free,) to our customers. myReef is still an important part of the ReefKeeper system and we are committed to releasing this application. However, we will not release the software until it meets the standards we have set for it.