It is common knowledge that X-PG LEDs from Cree are way more efficient than the old generation Crees but now that we have some real data to look at, we can really start to compare actual benchmarks. The data above was recently posted on the AquaIlluminations blog: it shows the light spread of the latest iteration of the AI light and another plot of the light intensity from a metal halide lamp.
The Module was ran at 100% on both white and blue emitters, consuming roughly 74W from the wall. The metal halide setup consisted of a Phoenix 14000K 250W Double Ended bulb, in a Sunlight Supply LumenMax 3 Reflector, with a Sunlight Supply Galaxy 250W electronic ballast. This setup consumed just shy of 280W once warmed
It doesnt take a scientist to realize that save for the actual spread of the lighting intensity, the 74 watt AI light is easily toe-to-toe in terms of overall light output, even if the spatial distribution of that light is variable. The new AI is the first and curently the only available LED aquarium light fixture that is built from the ground up with the most efficient generation of LEDs as well as using some custom-designed lenses that are unique to AI products. These PAR numbers indicate that the attention to detail has paid off and now it’s only a matter of time before we start receiving reports of real world performance when growing and coloring corals. Granted these PAR numbers were done by AquaIllumination but we have word that a certain lighting guru already has one of these lights in his possession and he will soon publish the results of his independent testing.