If a fully featured LED + T5 hybrid lighting fixture isn’t enough to get your attention, Pacific Sun is raising the bar again by going all out with mobile phone applications that will allow remote control of your hot rod reef light via bluetooth. Over the weekend we received these screenshots of the forthcoming applications for Windows Phones including windows mobile and CE operating systems. A quick look at all the screen captures and it’s clear to see that Pacific Sun has pulled out all the stops to making their top-end Phobos and Deimos lights the envy of the most blinging reef aquarists. Programming your photoperiod, intensity and color temperature has never been easier and the worst thing we can say about these apps is that if they work really well, the large full color touchscreen that is already built in to the Phobos and Deimos lights may never get used by owners who find the remote control so much more practical. American reefers and technology enthusiasts may be perplexed by applications being developed first for the Windows Phone platform which is a third tier phone operating system here in the US where our smartphones mostly run on Blackberry, iPhone and Android OSes. Keep in mind that Pacific Sun’s local and largest market is Europe where Windows Mobile has been well represented for many years before the iPhone and Androids were even available. Apple tech enthusiasts should fear not because Pacific Sun has informed us that they are now developing applications for iPhones and Macs which should be available shortly. All of the computer and phone applications are, and will be free of charge, follow the break for a look at a few more screencaps of the WinMo apps from Pacific Sun Aquarium Lighting System.