In the left corner the Maxijet Utility 1100 pump is rated at 294 gallons per hour, up to five feet of head and it draws a maximum of 21 watts of power. In the right corner the Sicce Synchra 1.0 is rated for 251 gallons per hour, up to five feet of head and it draws a maximum of 16 watts of power. However, the video above shows that there is an obvious disconnect between what’s on the box and what the pumps are really pushing. I (j.adams) personally tested and reviewed the Maxijet Utilty line of water pumps using pumps from the first wave of MJUs that were built in Italy and I can assure you that the MJU 1100 actually pumped 300 gallons per hour. On the other hand, the video above was made by a Sicce stakeholder so he may have stumbled across a bad pump or popped out an impeller blade from the MJU 1100 to make the Sicce Synchra 1.0 look good, but we doubt that. So what is going on here? Well the unconfirmed word on the street is that the production of Maxijet Utility pumps has been quietly moved to China, where perhaps the quality control is as lackluster as we would expect. Our original MJU 1100 is still working beautifully after 1.5 yrs of constant use but we’ll definitely be picking up a new MJU 1100 off the shelf to see if anything has changed. Anyone care to offer an explanation of what could be going on in the video above?
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