the AquaLight Reflex is a counterintuitive name since the whole purpose of the design is to reduce the amount of light being reflected from the surface. According to their handout, AquaLight reckons that as much as 25-40% of light is reflected off the water surface when it is either incidental (at an angle) or if the water surface is strongly rippled. To counter this effect, AquaLight has outfitted some of their multi chip LED light fixtures like the Aqualight Eco-LED with a high clarity acrylic bar that escorts the light beneath the water surface. As you can see in the video above, the effect is quite dramatic and we still don’t believe that the camera captured the full effect. Granted the appearance of an acrlic rod or bar just dipping into the water surface may seem unconventional at first but this demonstration definitely leaves us inspired about the possibilities of this kind of light delivery. The Aqualight reflex units we saw at InterZoo were all very new and we have no information on pricing or availability. Although the effect of the Aqualight Reflex is very cool, we don’t suppose it would cost too much to outfit any number of Aqualight‘s multicore LED lights with an Acrylic rod or bar.
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