Without question, the Mame eco-light is the most serious effort we’ve seen put into an RGB LED aquarium light. In case you may not be familiar, nearly all the high powered LED reef lights are getting their strength from high powered blue and white LEDs. RGB LEDs have no single white LED instead blending red, green and blue LEDs to produce white light that can be flat or colored any hue by tweaking the intensity of the three colors.
Just a little over a year ago we reported on the first generation 42 watt Mame Eco-Light which used just RGB LEDs but when we were at InterZoo we had the great pleasure of seeing the second generation 49 watt Mame Eco-Light which also houses the first yellow LEDs we’ve ever seen in an aquarium LED light fixture. Whereas the previous tricolor eco-light could achieve milions of colors, now the four color eco-light with eight yellow LEDs and 41 RGB LEDs can be tweaked to billions of colors.
It’s not like we’ll be able to tell the difference between more than a dozen shades or so but at least we should be able to see some added warmth by the inclusion of the yellow LEDs. At the moment we don’t expect that the Mame Eco-llight can break any stony coral growth records but for 126,000JPY, or about $1400 you should have some really good looking LPS, inverts and reef fish. Follow the break for tons more pics of this very unique LED array.