The waterproof power strip is one of those quotidian products designed for everyday use which may as well have been specially designed for aquarium use. Using some special voodoo circuitry, the wet circuits waterproof power strip manages the output of current from each and every outlet as to prevent short circuiting from water or randomly jamming some tweezers in the sockets or both. We can recall of many aquarium crashes and catastrophes that have started with faulty power strips from humidity or other failures, which have snowballed into much bigger problems all because the powestrip couldn’t go for a swim. With the water proof powerstrip, now you can feel good about that snake den of power cords you have running underneath all of your aquarium projects. Drip loops? with Wet Circuits you don’t need no stinking drip loops, the carefully engineered failsafes in the waterproof power strip allow you to be as careless as you want to be. The wet circuits waterproof power strip retails for an estimated $35 and although that’s pricey for a power strip with only four outlets, the peace of mind that comes with having such an aquarium-relevant safety feature is worth at least $10 per outlet. This waterproof power strip is such a shoe-in for the aquarium market that we fully expect several of the powerhouse aquarium product vendors to start offering the wet circuits device within weeks. Be sure to follow the read link for hilarious dubbed videos of the waterproof power strip in action.
SOURCE Wet Circuits