The Io LED photo contest received nearly 1500 votes and the Reef Builders readership has spoken. Congratulations to Mike Kane who submitted this great picture of an unbelievably shaggy pink lemonade Acropora. Mike will receive an Io LED pendant from PacificSun LED. This “healthiest Coral or Fish” photo contest was a tricky one to explain but this type of photograph is exactly the kind we were looking for; an amazing reef specimen which is clearly looking like it is enjoying enjoying life.
The contest was populated with a lot of great photos and we want to thank everyone who participated. We especially want to thank PacificSun LED for proposing this contest and offering up such an awesome product as the grand prize. Mark Van Der Wal who submitted teh splendid Starki damselfish picture will get a discount coupon towards the purchase of any PacificSun LED light. We also want to give a special mention to Tyler Borsack who submitted a photo of his very fat and happy pair of Chalk Bass; Reef Nutrition has offered to reward you with a large bottle of Arcti-Pods to help you keep you pair in their current prime condition.