The following was first published just a little over a year ago. We think you’ll agree is deserves another go around.
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Cnidarian Lifeforms is another film by Ben Wiggins, creator of the Montipora Movie. We can’t give this Hi Def video savant enough praise for constructing some of the most beautifulest clips of fluorescent corals exhibiting their various behaviours in time lapse. Cnidarian Lifeforms was actually shot before the making of Montipora Movie but the editing and soundtrack was only recently laid down and uploaded for the benefit of the wider web. No mater what kind of stony corals you prefer, chances are that Ben has found and aquired them all, conditioned them into perfect health and then time lapsed their tentacle extension, feeding and subtle tissue changes in the most intimate and close up perspective imaginable. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, if you meet Mr. Wiggins be sure to buy him a beer, buy him a frag or whatever you can do to help this benevolent videographer keep on cranking out the High Def coral candy hits. All hail Ben Wiggins and feel free to thank him yourself in the comments below.