The AI Nano Sol LED is a new light fixture from Aqua Illumination which is coming to market with one of the oldest and most respected LED pedigrees in the hobby. If the picture of the AI Nano Sol LED is any indication, we expect this new light to basically represent a four-pack of AI LED pucks, probably available in the white and tricolor LED combinations, with the same dimming and controlling functions as the original AI LED light.
The final indication of value is going to be it’s price: if it’s in the $400 neighborhood then it could be a hard sell with the full size AI only a couple hundred more clams, if it’s in the $300 territory then this could be one of the hottest selling LED lights this season. With so many feature rich LED lights coming to market lately, it’s nice to see an American LED favorite differentiate and invite all the nano reefers to the high tech LED party.