New Era Grazing Diet is a new concept in feeding the reef fish which normally graze a little bit of greens all throughout the day. In the aquarium, the cows of the sea like Surgeonfish, tangs, parrotfish, angelfish and many others tend to enter into an unnatural staged feeding regime where they are fed mostly in one or two meals a day. Even if we are providing these grazers with the right food ingredients, their digestive system is designed to work on food slowly and gradually in order to extract as much nutrition from their meal as possible. When fed just a couple of times a day, naturally grazing fish must gorge themselves while simultaneously ejecting what is currently in their gut. This side effect of staged aquarium feeding regimes means that our reef cows are not getting as much nutrition as they could while that waste goes towards polluting the aquarium water.
New Era will soon be releasing the Grazing Diet blocks in 5 and 25 kilogram sizes with the blocks having a hole in the center so that they can be loaded onto a feeding station. You might be thinking that 5 kg/11 pounds of grazing diet is more than a year’s worth of feeding for the average fish keeper but the blocks are designed to be sliced off into the desired feeding portion and there’s no reason why entrepreneurial LFS managers couldn’t resell chunks of the New Era grazing diet as such. We expect that the New Era Grazing Diet will be very popular with large aquarium installations and public aquariums who are used to dumping in a ton of spinach, nori or other greens. We’re not sure how lon the grazing block can last underwater but it’s possible that a feeding station of the New Era Grazing Diet could be snacked on for 24-48 hours at a time. Either way the more natural feeding system of the New Era Grazing Diet should be strongly considered for all the reef cows and we hope to see some private-aquarium sizes of it in the near future.