[vimeo width=”680″ height=”400″]http://vimeo.com/16139514[/vimeo]
There’s nothing like starting out the day by watching a luscious slice of reef scenery, the likes of which abound in this HD video of diving in Cozumel. In this four minute clip you’ll see a nearly complete snapshot of the many fish and corals which are iconic to the Caribbean, notably some large angelfish, tangs, snappers and lots of large unique filefish. There’s less of a focus on the corals but if you look out for them you’ll tons of stony corals, especially Agaricia and Montastrea species which would be welcome additions to the reefing hobby, but are strictly forbidden from collection. In any case it’s nice to see these reefs in Cozumel, Mexico appear to be in great shape with an abundance of fish and corals with lots of sponges and only moderate algae growth.
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