When we saw these images of the upcoming Reef Octopus overflow box, we were excited and puzzled at the same time. From the onset it looks like Reef Octopus is taking a little different approach than the tradition u-tube and Weir overflows. We can’t exactly tell how the water movement is handled with this box but we do appreciate the grooved inlet that is more in line with a built in overflow allowing water to enter from both the surface and farther down in the water column.
It appears the overflow uses some sort of pump to maintain the siphon. Typical Weir-type overflows generally use a small water pump to keep air from building up in the overflow path but this larger hose could be used to possibly drain the box to the sump or to keep the siphon alive. At this point we can only speculate and wonder the exact flow rate and what that mystery tube actually accomplishes.
[via LSS Laboratory]