Large-scale exhibits at public aquariums are always impressive, especially when you have the humongously graceful Whale Shark as part of the show. In case you haven’t been to the Georgia Aquarium, one crafty reader of the website BoingBoing put together this sweet little 3D video of the exhibit. Sure its not Avatar or Tron but you can watch it at home with the equipment you already have — all you need is a pair of those blue and red 3D glasses. The creator of the clip has this advice on viewing it:
It’s made for Red/Left Eye and Blue/Right Eye glasses. Apparently all glasses may not follow that same convention. In that case just flip them upside down if you can. I am not sure about the tilt. It works great for me. Don’t full screen it, it was calibrated to be viewed at about the standard size of a small youtube screen at 720P.
Now if we only had kept those 3D glasses in case something like this came out we’d be set. Instead we’ll just have to take their word for it unless we can track some down. I’m sure one of our readers will come up with a great DIY hack to make the magic come forth McGyver style.
[via BoingBoing]