According to a thread on MarineAquariumSA, Marcel Triessl has been thrown in Jail for trying to breed Albino Ocellaris Clownfish. Marcel has been dealing with the authorities on obtaining the permits needed to breed marine organisms for several months now. However, no one has really done this in South Africa. It appears that the inspectors who threw him in jail are a different group than the permits office. As many as eight Fisheries Officers made a return visit (as in, this wasn’t the first time they had been to see Marcel’s fish) and lead Albino Ocellaris Clownfish breeder Marcel Triessl away to a holding cell.
Of course, we arenot experts at the laws in South Africa and are only hearing Marcel’s side of the story. We are not exactly sure at what point Marcel efforts to cooperate with the government somehow crossed the line (in the government’s eyes). If the online accounts are accurate, we are inferring that Marcel was released after only 2 hours, with a hearing set for the morning of February 4th. This comes as we reported earlier of the issues that Marcel was having with obtaining the proper permits breeding and exporting the Albino Ocellaris Clownfish. It doesn’t look like it has gotten any better. A picture of jail documents below the break.
via [MarineAquariumSA]