You may have noticed an increasing number of aquarium devices going to DC (direct current). These include the DC water pumps from Ecotech Marine and Tunze, and of course all aquarium LED lights run on DC power and except for the screw lights with built-in power supplies, every other LED light has some kind of brick that needs to plug in somewhere.We’ve covered all manner of unusual power strips before including the Killawatt power strip, the Wet Circuits power strip and some more pedestrian models like ZooMed’s AquaSun but this new power strip is literally quite flexible.
The crowding of DC power supplies is a problem in the real world too and so one inventor has come up with an actuating power strip called Pivot Power, with many degrees of freedom to get all your weird shaped DC power supplies to play nice in a single power strip. The good news is that it only costs $29 but the bad news is that the initial run of a 1000 Ppivot power strips is close to sold out. Check it out on Quirky and follow the break for a brief video about the Pivot Power.