The joculator angelfish, Centropyge joculator, is one of the rarest pygmy angelfish in the aquarium trade which is actually available, albeit ever so infrequently. It’s been quite a while since some fresh joculators entered the trade and a fresh batch of about two dozen “Jocks” has landed in the heartland of America to satisfy the domestic demand for the bicolor angelfish doppelganger.
The joculator pygmy angelfish were imported by Global Reef Supply with an even distribution of juvenile, adolescent and adult-colored specimens. Global Reef Supply is conditioning the joculator angelfish after their extremely long flight from the Cocos-Keeling Island, the only place in the world that Centropyge joculator is naturally found. Be on the lookout for some new joculator angelfish available in the U.S. rare fish market where they will probably sell for the usual $600-$700 but if you want one now, tell your local fish store to get in touch with Global Reef Supply.