CPR Aquatics has a new Nano mini reactor that is perfect for your nano aquarium. There are two nano reactor models to choose from and each can be conveniently concealed behind your aquarium or in your sump. The larger model seems to effortlessly mix your reactor media a nice balanced wave (check out the video below the break). These are designed to be placed inside your nano aquarium or your sump, the actual pumps are located at the base of the units which gives a nice shot of flow for the waiting reactor media. The smaller model will hold up to 100ml of media and the larger up to 125ml, granted you might not need to use all of that space when starting out on biopellets. The small unit should hit the retail market for $45 and the larger for about $50. These units are so new, CPR is just now signing up beta testers before they are released out to the masses and expect to have full compatibility with other media types besides just biopellets. The video is below the break.
[vimeo width=”640″ height=”480″]http://vimeo.com/28826265[/vimeo]