De Jong Marinelife is one of the largest marine livestock wholesalers in Europe supplying anything from sharks to public aquaria to frags to Local Fish stores and they recently posted the video tour above of their holding facility. Although we did not spot any Gramma dejongi, the facility is just downright impressive. The facility holds over 200,000 gallons of saltwater, rocks 700 tanks with 3,000 compartments, and holds over 25,000 specimens at any given time. We obviously do not get to see everything in the video, but it is certainly enough makes our harts beat a little faster.
The seemingly endless amount of insanely awesome Acropora colonies is enough to make any reef nerd drool. The the huge amount of Montipora, Fungia Euphyllia, Scolymia, Acanthastrea, along with the massive Duncanopsammia and pretty much every coral imaginable is just tantalizing. Since the facility received a complete make over in 2009, the array of lighting is also quite impressive, with many of the tanks rocking Plasma and LED lighting. Although we do not get to see many fish holding tanks the video does end with a very nice ghost tang. Be sure to check out De Jong Marine life’s website.