A few weeks ago we had the sincere pleasure of not only attending and reporting on the awesomeness of Reefapalooza but we also had the privilege of participating with some really cool reef things on display. We packed all of our demonstration punch into one teeny tiny little eight gallon aquarium, which happens to be a prototype rimless nano reef that is coming soon from JBJ.
The all glass eight gallon was the home of some fancy Japanese corals including some amazing lords and trachies but the real feather in our cap was the first public display of a captive bred flame angelfish. The little tank of reef treasure was lit up by the brand spanking new JBJ unibody LED reef light which was also quite a draw. Big thanks to Renaissance Aquatics and JBJ for letting us show off their goods, and especially that last single captive bred flame angelfish which drew Oohs and Aahs from everyone who saw it.