Traditionally Black Friday is all about attacking people for $2 waffle irons, spraying pepper spray at other shoppers and oh yeah, saving money on deals in store. Although many stores make their sales available online and , Cyber Monday has been another key savings day for the online stores. There are a few of our sponsors doing a separate Cyber Monday special as well as some that are going all weekend that we mentioned in the Black Friday post. Here are a handful of the stores doing something special for Monday.
Marine Depot– You still get the Low Price Guarantee on competitor coupons and sale prices. Marine Depot is also offering $181 off Innovative Marine 30-Gallon Aquariums with LED Lights and Stands, $159 off JBJ 28-Gallon Nano Cube HQI Aquariums and get a free stand, $50 off Ecoxotic Panorama LED Retrofit 2 Lights, up to $50 off RO/DI Systems, $19 off Ecoxotic EcoPico Aquariums with LED fixtures and much more! They’re shipping orders over $175 for free and, for orders over $250, offering free shipping plus including the new Pistol Shrimp T-shirts for free. – Save 50% off All Dry Goods! If that isn’t good enough its “BOGO” (buy one get one) on select frags and a number of premium livestock will be listed in our livestock sale section at extreme discounts. Their Black Friday Sale starts at 8 a.m. EST Friday and will run into Monday night.
Bulk Reef Supply – A pretty simple sale going on…save 10% off site wide except Ecotech products. But make sure to check back since there will be new door busters every day from Thursday to Monday that surely won’t last long!
LiveAquaria/Dr.’s Foster and Smith – The team in Rhinelander is rewarding online shoppers with deep discounts, prizes, and four hours of live streaming video to kick off the holiday shopping season Thanksgiving weekend. There are going to be deep discounts from 30-50% off with giveaways between 10am & 2pm CST Friday & Monday. The sales on these items will be 10-3pm CST those same days. The sale lasts through the weekend with a 4-Day sale with up to 40% off popular items.
DrTim’s Aquatics – Another “BOGO” here! Buy one product and get the same product that you bought free. Offer good on select DrTim’s Aquatics products only. Get 30% off One & Only Live Nitrifying bacteria and NP-Active Pearls. Sorry AquaRay LEDs are not included. The promo does not start until midnight November 24 and it runs until midnight November 30.
Avast Marine – You can get a site-wide 15% discount using coupon code THANKS2011 but repeat customers get this bumped up to 20% (must log in and use account to get the bonus discount). Plus super specials on ATO Kits (including new controller-specific plug varieties) 30% off, Retrofit Swabbies 40% off and Top-down XL: 50% off. The deals last all weekend Friday 12am to Monday midnight (Tues 12am).
Aquarium Specialty – Use the code “Gobble11” for 11% off everything on the site (excludes EcoTech Marine and sale items). You can save big with 20% off Vertex Illumilux LEDs, up to 35% on in stock Brightwell Aquatics, 15% off in stock Aquaroche, 20% off in stock Aquatic Life fixtures and 25% off in stock chalices.
TB Aquatics – Simple sale! Save 11% off of everything using the coupon code “GOBBLE11” at checkout. The sale is for all in stock items only and excludes items where discounting is prohibited by the dealer (EcoTech and Aqua Illumination to name a few). Prices are good through Monday, November 28.