Lots of great things happening in the retail aquarium space this weekend. The aquarium hobby could use some more editorial reflection on the state of affairs in our awesome hobby and to this end PFK’s Nathan Hill has written a great piece on the importance and value of the local fish store retailer, a must read for retailers and customers alike. Furthermore, Saturday Dec. 17th residents of the greater Omaha area ought to head over to Nebraska Aquatic Supply to meet and greet with Tony Vargas, and to get their book signed.
Finally, Greenwich Aquaria is having a big holiday sale this weekend with lots of cool animals to look at, not to mention they recently upgraded lots of their coral tanks to Radion LED lights. We’re just going to throw it out there that this weekend is a great one to visit your local fish store, whether you live in the UK, Omaha or in Greenwich CT. Since it’s the holiday season your LFS is likely to be stocked at peak levels with lots of corals, fish and dry goods and don’t you just want to be inside a nice bright tropical environment when it’s cold out?