This short video show a pretty clever modification to automatically adjust the height of your light fixture. Looks like some pretty great DIY ingenuity that would allow you to raise or lower the fixture to either adjust the intensity or get into the system for cleanup or maintenance. From the look of the system, there appears to be some sort of motor assembly on the ceiling allowing it to be raised and since we don’t see a person or cables strung all over in the video, we have to assume its remote controlled at least by a switch.
This system of raising and lowering the aquarium lights is an ideal way to adjust the intensity of light with traditional bulb systems like when you are breaking in new bulbs or acclimating a bunch of new corals. We always like ingenious ways to raise and lower lights but this one definitely looks easier than the counter-weighted system we saw at the Salsa King way back in 2008. There is no description of the setup on the video’s page or the owner’s channel but if you happen to know ricardoleonelprata1, tell them we’d love to hear all about it.